I'm a runner, hiker, dog-walker, and explorer. And I'm lucky enough to get to write about my adventures, whether it's a backpacking trip through the Superstition Wilderness or how to prep for a winter jog.
Scroll to see my clips.

A Warm-up That's Worth It
Runners like to talk about stretching, but we often don't do any stretching. In this piece, recent studies emphasize the importance of a good pre-run warm-up, and an expert demonstrates how to achieve it in less than 10 minutes.
Runner's World, January/February 2018, copyright Rodale

7 Activities for 70 Degrees
In Phoenix, winter doesn't mean hibernation. It means time to hit the trail, soak up the sun, and get out and about. Here, seven options for ways to enjoy the desert air.
Valley Guide, winter 2017, copyright Madden Media